Texas Crypto DayThe 5th Texas Crypto Day was held at Rice University on December 13, 2024.
AbstractsAdaptive Security, Erasures, and Network Assumptions in Communication-Local MPC
Juan Garay (Texas A&M) The problem of reliable/secure all-to-all communication over low-degree networks has been essential for communication-local (CL) \(n\)-party secure multi-party computation (MPC) (i.e., MPC protocols where every party directly communicates only with a few parties, typically poly-logarithmic in \(n\)) and more recently for communication over ad hoc networks, which are used in blockchain protocols. However, a limited number of adaptively secure solutions exist, and they all make relatively strong assumptions on the ability of parties to act in some specific manner before the adversary can corrupt them. Two such assumptions were made in the work of Chandran et al. [ITCS’15]— parties can (a) multi-send messages to several receivers simultaneously; and (b) securely erase the message and the identities of the receivers, before the adversary gets a chance to corrupt the sender (even if a receiver is corrupted). A natural question to ask is: Are these assumptions necessary for adaptively secure CL-MPC? In this work we characterize the feasibility landscape for all-to-all reliable message transmission (RMT) under these two assumptions, and use this characterization to obtain (asymptotically) tight feasibility results for CL-MPC. Joint work with Nishanth Chandran, Ankit Kumar Misra, Rafail Ostrovsky, and Vassilis Zikas. Complexity Theory for Quantum Promise Problems and Its Applications to Cryptography
Nai-Hui Chia (Rice University) Quantum computing introduces many well-motivated problems rooted in physics, asking to com- pute information from input quantum states. Identifying the computational hardness of these prob- lems yields potential applications with far-reaching impacts across both the realms of computer science and physics. However, these new problems do not neatly fit within the scope of exist- ing complexity theory. The standard classes primarily cater to problems with classical inputs and outputs, leaving a gap to characterize problems involving quantum states as inputs. Notably, the emergence of new quantum cryptographic primitives is reshaping our understanding of the minimal assumption in cryptography, which directly affects the relationships between cryptography and com- plexity theory; in particular, the connection between Minicrypt and Pessiland in Impagliazzo’s five worlds view is somewhat unclear — one reason for this is that breaking new quantum cryptographic primitives involves solving problems with quantum inputs, while the complexity classes central to Pessiland, Heuristica, and Algorithmica are grounded in problems with classical inputs and outputs. In this talk, I will introduce the complexity theory for quantum promise problems and potential applications. Quantum promise problems are quantum-input decision problems asking to identify whether input quantum states (that can be pure and mixed states) satisfy specific properties. We will see structural results for complexity classes, \(\mathsf{p/mBQP}\), \(\mathsf{p/mQ(C)MA}\), \(\mathsf{p/mQSZKhv}\), \(\mathsf{p/mQIP}\), and \(\mathsf{p/mPSPACE}\), where “\(\mathsf{p/mC}\)” denotes the corresponding quantum promise complexity class with pure (p) or mixed (m) quantum input states for any classical complexity class C. Surprisingly, our results reveal relationships that differ from their classical counterparts, such as \(\mathsf{p/mQIP} \ne \mathsf{p/mPSPACE}\) and \(\mathsf{mcoQSZKhv} \ne \mathsf{mQSZKhv}\). Building on this framework, we will see applications to cryptography, demonstrating that breaking one-way state generators and pseudorandom states, and EFI has \(\mathsf{mQCMA}\) and \(\mathsf{mQSZKhv}\) upper bounds, and that the average-case hardness of \(\mathsf{pQCZKhv}\) implies the existence of EFI. Notably, our results offer new insights into Impagliazzo’s five worlds view. Roughly, by substituting classical complexity classes in Pessiland, Heuristica, and Algorithmica with \(\mathsf{mBQP}\) and \(\mathsf{mQCMA}\) or \(\mathsf{mQSZKhv}\), we establish a natural connection between quantum cryptography and quantum promise complexity theory. Distributed Broadcast Encryption from Lattices
Jeff Champion (UT Austin) A broadcast encryption scheme allows a user to encrypt a message to \(N\) recipients with a ciphertext whose size scales sublinearly with \(N\). While broadcast encryption enables succinct encrypted broadcasts, it also introduces a strong trust assumption and a single point of failure; namely, there is a central authority who generates the decryption keys for all users in the system. Distributed broadcast encryption offers an appealing alternative where there is a one-time (trusted) setup process that generates a set of public parameters. Thereafter, users can independently generate their own public keys and post them to a public-key directory. Moreover, anyone can broadcast an encrypted message to any subset of user public keys with a ciphertext whose size scales sublinearly with the size of the broadcast set. Unlike traditional broadcast encryption, there are no long-term secrets in distributed broadcast encryption and users can join the system at any time (by posting their public key to the public-key directory). Previously, distributed broadcast encryption schemes were known from standard pairing-based assumptions or from powerful tools like indistinguishability obfuscation or witness encryption. In this talk, I will describe the first distributed broadcast encryption scheme from a falsifiable lattice assumption. Specifically, we rely on the \(\ell\)-succinct learning with errors (LWE) assumption introduced by Wee (CRYPTO 2024). Previously, the only lattice-based candidate for distributed broadcast encryption goes through general-purpose witness encryption, which in turn is only known from the private-coin evasive LWE assumption, a strong and non-falsifiable lattice assumption. Along the way, I will also describe a direct construction of broadcast encryption from lattices that does not rely on any homomorphic evaluation machinery. Joint work with David Wu. A Composability Treatment of Bitcoin’s Transaction Ledger with Variable Difficulty
Brady Testa (Texas A&M) As the first proof-of-work (PoW) permissionless blockchain, Bitcoin aims at maintaining a decentralized yet consistent transaction ledger as protocol participants (“miners”) join and leave as they please. This is achieved by means of a subtle PoW difficulty adjustment mechanism that adapts to the perceived block generation rate, and important steps have been taken in previous work to provide a rigorous analysis of the conditions (such as bounds on dynamic participation) that are sufficient for Bitcoin’s security properties to be ascertained. Such existing analysis, however, is property-based, and as such only guarantees security when the protocol is run in isolation. In this paper we present the first (to our knowledge) simulation-based analysis of the Bitcoin ledger in the dynamic setting where it operates, and show that the protocol abstraction known as the Bitcoin backbone protocol emulates, under certain participation restrictions, Bitcoin’s intended specification. Our formulation and analysis extend the existing Universally Composable treat- ment for the fixed-difficulty setting, and develop techniques that might be of broader applicability, in particular to other composable formulations of blockchain protocols that rely on difficulty adjustment. Joint work with Juan Garay, Yun Lu, Julien Prat, and Vassilis Zikas. New Techniques for Preimage Sampling: Improved NIZKs and More from LWE
David Wu (UT Austin) Recent constructions of vector commitments and non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs from LWE implicitly solve a shifted multi-preimage sampling problem. In this talk I will introduce the shifted multi-preimage sampling problem and then show how recent lattice-based constructions of vector commitments and hidden-bits model NIZKs can be viewed from the perspective of designing a solution to the shifted multi-preimage sampling problem. I will then describe a new technique for solving the shifted multi-preimage sampling problem by deriving a structured matrix with a public trapdoor from a short random string. These techniques immediately yields the following improvements to lattice-based vector commitments and hidden-bits model NIZKs:
Joint work with Brent Waters and Hoeteck Wee. Should Distributed Systems be a Required Course and Where/What Crypto is used in Practical Voting Systems?
Yvo Desmedt (UT Dallas) We look at two practical problems, being: Microsoft Calendar and cloud based e-voting systems. Part of the first part is co-authored by Alireza Kavousi (UCL, UK) and Aydin Abadi (Newcastle Univ., UK) More details: Proceedings of the 2024 on ACM (Poster: Byzantine Discrepancy Attacks against Calendar, Set-intersection and Nations) and SECRYPT 2022 (Are Clouds making our Research Irrelevant and Who is at Fault?) Additional link: https://www.scitepress.org/PublishedPapers/2022/113288/113288.pdf |